Monday, June 19, 2006

The No'j people

Ok! there are 20 signs in the Mayan calendar. One for each day of the Mayan month. Each day has its own energy, its own meaning and its own aspectation. It is a cyclic calendar, so there is a day that has the same name each 20 days, but with different energy that comes from other positions of the Mayan cross (another four signs related). So in few words, each day is completely different by nature. The year in the Mayan calendar has 260 days and is based on a normal pregnancy time until birth.

The name of the day in that you were born is NO´J. For this sign there´s a lot of information, but the most important is: (only for your knowledge, and for how much spititual are you)
Your element is the Air.
Your key is knowledge and wisdom, as your goal in your life, material and spiritual.
Your development in this live is clarity and transmutation of the mind (your are always in chance).

The meaning of the NO´J is movement, the sky, the earth, intelligence or wisdom; ideas and thoughts. The sign rules the mind, the good memory, the limitation of the rigid conception of reality, the limits that the human being adopt for himself. The mayor virtue that brings this sign is nobility, (but in this live, is the major probe too) patience, sublime love. The thing here is to transmute experience and knowledge into wisdom. The art in many forms is very important for NO´J people. The positive part of the spirit, the colective memory are active here. Rules the studies too, human science and mind science.

The caracteristics of NO´J people are: Good caracter, understanding in marriage, good students, defenders of justice. In love are nobel, perseverant and naturally faithful. They like tranquility in their relationship and give enough space to their partner. Although they are conservative, they sometimes brake with traditional things. They have advanced ideas and fight for them because they are idealistic and dreamers. They are extremly unsuspecting, they need to see that people sometimes just hurt. They transmit to the other people selfconfidence, they`re fine with what destiny gives, and deep inside, they don´t agree with the established. They`re always looking for deep thoughts, and clarity, and this marks their lives. They´re great searchers of the truth, researchers, love reading, and finally find in art their own way for expressing and communicating themselves. The action is an axis in their lives.

The good aspectations: They like to study, good for the arts and feel comfortable with it. The service to others is very important, and really care about old persons and children.

The bad aspectations: They could hurt with their sence of sincerity. They´re not very cunning, they´re vain and too proud. Easy to become exasperated, too delicate. Rude, liars, individualistic, inflexible, talk about another people, unfaithful with their partner.

Professions: Artists, doctors, creatives, humanists, spiritual guides, mathematicians.
Parts of the body that No´j rules: Brain, pineal gland.

Nahuales; Holy animals (the animals that identify the energy of No´j): Coyote and the woodpecker bird. Energetic places: Tropical forest, cold forest, lakes, cloudy mountains. Color: Blue and skyblue. Stones: aquamarine, amethyst, turquoise. Metal: Uranium, Iron.

No'j people than I know: Danielito, Ferdi Rodriguez, Kinga, Ursula, Rinni...
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